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New Campaign: Wrath of the Zerg

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Post#1 Posted: 18 Oct 2007 07:55 pm    Post subject: New Campaign: Wrath of the Zerg Reply with quote

For all the StarCraft lovers I have a new campaign I am working on!

Story is here:

Campaign name: Wrath of the Zerg

Races Playable: Zerg

Races with Canon: Protoss, Zerg, Terran

Planets: Kalast, Reaz, Zan, Orpherus

Forces: Fringe Independencies, UFL (United Fringe Legions), Zerg Swarm, Malgaz's Scourge, Corrupted Protoss Armada.

Timeline: A year after the Brood War...

Story: A story of how even the greatest of creatures... can be betrayed

It has been one year since the Zerg defeated all known powers at the station Omega over Char, the Queen of Blades Kerrigan returned back to Char where she felt a looming darkness over the endless void of space, knowing her victory was a hollow one, and something sinister will soon awaken.

Kerrigan, wishing to bulk her massive army of Zerg sent many three of the most ruthless and cunning Zerg Cerebrates that had their reflection in their broods, sent these three to far away planets to assimilate the planets and creatures to the Swarm. Gaax a mighty Cerebrate chose the planet known as Kalast, it was small and perfect for his medium-size brood, yet unknowing that the UFL had a large platform orbiting the planet called Arlon II watching there moves, after contacting General Rilof on their capital Laxxes, there move was... annihilate this threat, the UFL forces of Arlon II and the troops coming from Laxxes (short distance) landed on the outskirts on Gaax's hive cluster on Kalast, and immediately began to lay siege on the hive cluster.

Gaax even though himself is immortal to there attack, his forces were still not the size to combat and win against the supremacy of the United Legions' might, Klorgoth - the strongest of the three - sent Malgaz with his Basilisk brood, though smaller than Gaax's brood was more stronger and elite even before landing engaged the Terran forces.

Malgaz though was later ordered by Klorgoth to attack and destroy Arlon II, and make sure that none retreated and all could feel on the platform could feel the terrible darkness that is the Zerg Swarm.

Malgaz removed his brood from Kalast and as Klorgoth engaged the fighters, Malgaz’s forces broke through their lines and landed upon the platform like a sheet of white snow on the crisp cut grass. Malgaz’s brood led a butcher assault, none were safe and none were left alive, as they tried to retreat Klorgoth’s brood and Malgaz’s brood burned their transports just like any other vessel.

Malgaz telling Klorgoth that a victory was achieved; the Cerebrates traveled back to Klorgoth’s hive at Zan and prepared their next moves. Though unknowing at the time that the UFL had retaken the Arlon II platform and engaged with a larger, stronger army against Gaax. As Klorgoth engaged them once again, as Malgaz and his commander Yavrok prepared to attack, a dark voice entered his mind, telling him to meet him at the darkest moon farthest reaches of the Koprulu Sector, known as Reaz.

As Malgaz instead with his brood suspecting a trap for a Dark Templar, he was ever vigilant, to his luck when he arrived he met a massive Hive Cluster and Zerg openly greeting this behemoth Cerebrate. He met another Cerebrate as well, a dark and sinister Cerebrate known as Blagzsz who’s leader is the currently unknown, tyrant Cerebrate Daggoth. As the Cerebrate spoke to Malgaz of how the Queen of Blades plans for the Swarm would bring an end to all of the Swarm, and only the remainders of all that is loyal to their deceased Overmind, Malgaz was shown visions of destruction and soon a terrible demise to the Swarm.

Malgaz once was a being of the benevolent Overmind has betrayed his comrades to server under the ones who wish to restore the Swarm to what it once was, of course now the ones he served alongside shall do all they can, to stop this rogue betrayer...

The Prologue of the Upcoming Campaign: Wrath of the Zerg

Zerg Characters:


Personality: Power Hungry, Mad

Affiliation: Basilisk Brood, Renegade Zerg known as the Malgaz's Scourge

Malgaz was created by the Overmind like all other Cerebrates, he served alongside Daggoth in many victories but when the death of the Overmind came, Kerrigan was quick to seize control of a powerful Cerebrate, when Blagzsz tells Malgaz of visions of demise if the Swarm stays under her control the Swarm will be utterly destroyed. He joins with the unknown-located Daggoth to rid Kerrigan of the Swarm!


Personality: Loyal, Crazy

Affiliation: Basilisk Brood, Malgaz's Scourge

Yavrok was created right after the destruction of Arlon II to serve as a commander of all of Malgaz’s ever growing brood. Though he is leading the assault on the final battle of destiny and is torn apart by Kragg, Magrex’s general.


Personality: Loyal, Smart, And Brave

Affiliation: Chronos Brood - Zerg Swarm

Gaax was a smart and strategic Cerebrate who was one of the Cerebrates on the front lines when they bombarded the Xel'Naga fleet, he is one of the Cerebrates ordered by Kerrigan to venture deep into the fringe worlds of the Koprulu Sector to assimilate the resources and the creatures to the Swarm's use. Gaax is killed during the final battle and his brood goes rampant at the lost of their master.


Personality: Strong, Brave, Relentless, Bloodlust

Affiliation: Cerberus Brood - Zerg Swarm

Klorgoth was the one under Daggoth with the bombardment of the Xel'naga fleet over Zerus, he commands one of the largest Zerg Broods imaginable, his Cerberus brood commands the Devouring Ones, the most elite Zerglings, he sends them into a relentless frenzy and butchers front lines. He is ordered by Kerrigan to assimilate unknown species to the Swarm’s use.


Personality: Ruthless, Bloodlust, Servant

Affiliation: Cerberus Brood - Zerg Swarm

Kragg is the hunter - general of the Cerberus Brood, he appears in the climatic battle against Malgaz and Gaax and Klorgoth, he leads the Swarm against Malgaz's massive-new brood, he helps weaken Malgaz's army so that Kel'Adu and his armada though small able to break through the warring Zerg and kill the partially infested Dark Templar and surrounds Malgaz. Kragg during the fight leaps over a few attacking Zerg, and tackles Yavrok as they wrestle until Kragg butchers Yavrok. Then Klorgoth using some of Kerrigan and his own psionic powers to kill Malgaz, then Kagg and a few swarms slaughters Kel'Adu and his men as the Zerg then Orpherus - hive of Malgaz - is destroyed...

Protoss Heroes


Age: 256
Sex: Male
Personality: Power Hungry, Crazy, Ambition ate, Strong

Affiliation: Fleet of the Matriarch, Corrupted Protoss Armada

Kel'Adu is mentioned near the end of the civil war between the Kerrigan’s Zerg and Malgaz, he helps weaken Malgaz’s new hardened shell, he was always a great warrior but his ambitions sometimes drove him insane, he found the behemoth Cerebrate Klorgoth on Zan and helped him, but in doing so Kel'Adu was partially infested, he was killed in a diversion by an Archon, Sieldor, though his forced also infested lead the attack to destroy Malgaz’s shell, then Kerrigan psionically transfers some of her power to Klorgoth and he personally kills Malgaz. His forces are then betrayed and slaughtered by Kragg.


Age: 1098
Sex: Both of the Templar was Male
Personality: The boss, loyal, never backs down

Affiliation: Fleet of the Matriarch

Sieldor is the form of a High Templar and a Dark Templar, creating an Archon of both powers (such as Tassadar) he was after finding that Kel'Adu was partially infested along with his armada, was sent down to Orpherus to stop him and sterilize the Zerg menace, with a sufficient force the mission was going well until the night when Kel'Adu and Sieldor's forces were battling the Zerg then ambushed Sieldor's line. Using his ability called "Purity" Sieldor's forces was able to stay un-corrupted or become infested by the taint of the swarm. His forces were near defeated when Sieldor then sacrificing him and his men they made a final move on Kel'Adu, Sieldor charged through the battling lines and with his brothers cut through the lines, Sieldor imploded at Kel'Adu and killed both in the explosion, Malgaz, Gaax, and Klorgoth was in shock by there courage...

Terran Heroes

Capt. Vincent Hoolahan (Marine)

Affiliation: United Fringe Legions
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Personality: Crazy, Arrogant (sort of pain in the ass), loyal

Capt. Vincent Hoolahan is a crazy bad ass mother f***er sort of in the UFL army, he gets yelled at from General Rilof for in his suit he has in his own personal CD player with the loudest heavy metal, it helps him soothe while fighting, but he can rarely hear the orders given to him and General Rilof doesn’t like hearing it, he hates Heavy Metal music, but he gets the job done. His partner is an expert UFL Wraith Pilot Captain Kyle Kerna.

Capt. Kyle Kerna (Wraith)

Affiliation: United Fringe Legions
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Personality: Loyal, Smart, and Strong

Capt. Kyle Kerna is among Capt. Vince's best friend, his greatest one. They have been through with one another since high school but are two different parts of the UFL Army/Fleet, usually Vince is ground troop recon/assault/infiltration/rescue while Kyle is in charge of Assault/Shuttle Transport/Escort, rarely are they stuck in the same mission, they are both situated on the assault on Arlon II and both retreat to Zan, but Kyle retreats before Malgaz assaults Arlon II.

General Rilof (Goliath)

Affiliation: United Fringe Legions
Age: 51
Sex: Male
Personality: Loyal, Smart, Strong, Head-Strong, Ambitioned

General Rilof, General of the UFL, he is a great soldier of the UFL Army; he leads his own commando force known as the United Death Squadron. For its brute strength, agility, it is Alpha Squadron of the UFL. He is always gets in arguments with Captain Vince, one for his music and not understanding orders, and then disobeying them due to his fact for not 'listening' to them. He leads the troops to rescue mission on Kalast and then retreats quickly with Zerg led by Gaax hunting him down, he crashed on Zan the Hive of Magrex, but is killed and his troops are slaughtered, which is the end of the United Death Squadron.

Commander Rykof "Quick Trigger" Kollofer (Siege Tank)

Affiliation: Fringe Independencies
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Personality: Calm, Quiet, Deadly, Head-Strong

Commander Rykof is the first of the sole leader of the Fringe Independencies, he is semi-gay (not perverted) but does like men (I wanted to add this twist) he sometimes has fool around with one or so, which can make an "unsettlement" one though fought back in one of his "meetings" and had to be executed, he though keeps business and pleasure separate in the line of duty, he is killed in his first canon on the platform The Dark Sun (for its black plating) I in the fight against the UFL when Gaax and Magrex and Malgaz make it one of many of there battlefields - before the climatic battle against Malgaz and the Swarm - the UFL led by Captain Vince and Kyle barely escapes but Commander Rykof and his troops are left in the dust, which ends the Fringe Independencies for all time...

---- Screen shots shall arrive ----
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Post#2 Posted: 18 Oct 2007 07:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Arlon II, the station of the UFL that orbits the planet Kalast.

The computer was on the fritz, it scans the boundaries for a class 5 problem.

Zerg Overlord's descend upon Arlon II.

The Zerg begin to run rampant throughout Arlon II.

The Zerg flyers tear even the most elite fighters to shreds.

Malgaz, has arrived and with it, the destruction of Arlon II.

The Dark Lavish moon, Reaz.

Malgaz's minions are allowed passage to land upon the ashen landscape of Reaz...

Malgaz has arrived...

An UFL wing scouts a Zerg fleet under Klorgoth, prepare to move out!

The small Terran wing is under heavy fire!

But heavy air support arrives..

Also on land there are many UFL outposts assaulting Gaax's borders

Malgaz arrives to assault a Terran outpost

Malgaz himself makes an appearance on Kalast.

Some defences also come to make to defend Malgaz.

Gaax's hive works hard to defend Gaax himself!

The Terran base also works hard, but they will attack hard and fast!

(During StarCraft Original) Many years ago there was a Confederacy and Protoss battle, a Protoss Templar destroyed the Terran threat, all that is left is the sign of there final battle...

A statue in the final moments of the battle was erected to honor the Protoss Templar's memory, some believe this could be Tassadar... but you have to find out!
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Post#3 Posted: 18 Oct 2007 08:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wow nice, do u have a download link?

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Post#4 Posted: 01 Nov 2007 11:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i want to download map : vulture nightmare ,where ?
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Post#5 Posted: 01 Nov 2007 07:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Post#6 Posted: 08 Nov 2007 08:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Post#7 Posted: 10 Nov 2007 11:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I want to download.
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Post#8 Posted: 11 Nov 2007 05:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thats awesome
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Post#9 Posted: 11 Nov 2007 07:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wow that is fuggin sick, toss us a link!

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Post#10 Posted: 12 Nov 2007 10:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


you could like work for blizzard developing plotlines for them!
that looks sweet!

I am a n00b, and I will stay a n00b. you know why? Because I am proud of it!

(I am not a nerd!!!!)
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Post#11 Posted: 13 Nov 2007 02:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seems interesting
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Post#12 Posted: 24 Nov 2007 03:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i never was a fan of homemade campains

and i never will be
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Post#13 Posted: 25 Nov 2007 11:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

want to have it!
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Post#14 Posted: 25 Nov 2007 11:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

where can i find a download link?
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Post#15 Posted: 26 Nov 2007 02:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

it's an awesome campaign man!!!
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Post#16 Posted: 05 Dec 2007 05:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wow, looks very nice!

I actually want to play this campaign, even though i dont like campaign that much.
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