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Music. Differences. And my take on the subject.

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HOD II Co-Owner

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Post#1 Posted: 30 Nov 2008 04:13 am    Post subject: Music. Differences. And my take on the subject. This post has 1 review(s) Reply with quote

Posted this on the one other site.... 5 seconds later, "tl;dr." Expected from there, but I'm sure my d3jsp homies here will actually read something that another person deems important to them, because while we have a few assholes here, we just have a better class of asshole lol. j/p y'all mad love. Enjoy.

The reason so many people in the world have differences can be linked to a common entity. Music.

If you look at the fans of certain styles of music, you can see evident differences. And it's, believe it or not an inherent differences.

The differences aren't the taste in music, but the predilection of the music itself. People listen to music because it can soothe their souls. And souls in all people
are for lack of a better word, diverse. In the exceptional case of love, everyones soul is different from a total stranger's.
Country music tends to draw out those from certain areas of the world where diversity is a little more scarce, but still evidently different because not everyone
subscribes to the same principles on life.
Pop music is more favored by those who are, astonishingly enough: POPULAR! HA HA. No, go figure that the people who listen to pop music are friends with
other people who listen to it as well, and again, inherently so making the music popular and the listeners commonly popular by default.
Metal music tends to draw out those with a great deal of fear and anxiety. I know most of you reading this know I listen to metal as one of my musical choices,
but I'm not trying to center this blog around me like the rest of my writings. Instead I want to look at how metal music inspires adrenaline rushes. Adrenaline rushes
have the tendancy to incite a feeling of temporary "invincibility." Now you must question why someone would want to be invincible. I know that if I wanted to be, it
would be to protect life and limb or otherwise. So if I want adrenaline pumping through my veins, it has a good chance of being because I need protection for
whatever reason. Typically, I'd say that people who listen to metal have seen a travesty or two in their lifetime, and spend too much time thinking about it, so need
regular protection from it; enter the need for adrenaline rushes.
Rap music is most popular amongst those with a taste for desparation. Pick your poison is my view on rap. Whether you get off on intimidating people, or as often
as it is, you need motivation, or looking to relate to the lyrist who tends to be of a similar nature. Simply put, how many bullies did you know growing up? 1? 2? And
I mean real bullies, not someone who made fun of your shirt one day and never spoke to you again. I mean someone who beat people up a great deal, or regularly
relied on their intimidation tactics to get their way. So yeah, you may have known 1 or 2 all depending where you came from. So, what does that speak about bullies?
It says quite simply they it is a lonely profession to say the least. So they tend to emulate those who they find comfort in relating in. Enter why so many people who
have tastes for hardcore rap like to act according to the aggressive lifestyle.
Hip hop music tends to draw in people who aren't desparate enough to seek out the comradarie of rap, but still like the sounds, and linguistic stylings of rap, and
commonly like other types of music moreso. Hip hop in my opinion is pop music trash. But thats just my views. Hip hop however I may wanna classify it is a true
all-American art form. It is the only true style of music that has listeners from almost every other music type I've listed here. When you have things like rapcore,
which is rap lyrics strapped with heavy metal guitar riffs, or heavy metal vocals strapped to a rap beat. Or when puff daddy does a song with Christina Aguilera.
Again when country music stars do songs with hip hop artist and so on. It's a true "melting pot" of musical artform.
I'll lightly go over techno because I personally don't see a real connection with listening to it. Most people I know that are dedicated to techno or trance like it
because they are too doped out to follow along with the lyrics of a song otherwise lol. But again, like the other artforms it draws in those looking for a connection.
Albeit a lot of people are fucked up on XTC, but hey they are human and are still fully conscious even while massively coked out and want to hear something appealing.

One thing that all these styles of music have in common is the relationship of isolation. A contradiction of terms to say the least. But you seldomly see people who are
dedicated to multiple lifestyles that music tends to provide for us. So you have what you see a in America more than most any other country in history; massive amounts
diversity which can now be traced to one source. Music.

To follow up, I just want to say that there is nothing wrong with diversity, and we should ultimately embrace it. Because if anything else, people will always find someway to
show they are different from other people no matter what they do. Because if you have no diversity around you, then you feel like every single other person, and humans
ultimately want definition of oneself, and you can only do that by looking at things that aren't the same as you. I think that we all should embrace the concept that we are
all different from each other one way or the other, and we always will want to be, but most of all.....

I want people to accept that what makes us different, and makes us look at each other, is what's making us look at each other in the first place. Hopefully, we can let die
some of our hateful indifferences, and move on to create a level of civility with each other through rejoicing our differences, and not fighting because of them.

Peace out motherbitches.


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Post#2 Posted: 30 Nov 2008 05:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


WarningWarned by blueballs on 01 Dec 2008 05:24 pm. Expires: Expired
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HOD II Co-Owner

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Post#3 Posted: 01 Dec 2008 04:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

MainEvent028 wrote:

This isn't the other site. Don't spam here. btw I reported your post to the moderators derisive.


After 10 years in retirement. Jumpdafukkup is back. And he's on the hunt for noob punks.
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Post#4 Posted: 01 Dec 2008 05:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well yeah, y'know, it is pretty fucking long - and, y'know, it kinda looks like I don't need to read it.

And y'know, I'm just here to play lotgd and call people names (not you though, although you're in that fag clan).

As I write this, I feel I should read your post, but fuck, it was just long. So let's make a deal, shall we? I post this completely nonsense post and then I start reading your post. Upon finishing reading you post I will consider the fact that you're a member of HoD and then, only then, I will write a sane reply that probably won't make sense to anyone.


gtfo of my signature
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HOD II Co-Owner

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Post#5 Posted: 02 Dec 2008 03:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So because I'm a member of Hands of Divinity II, theres automatically something wrong with me? You have any idea how wrong that sounds in itself? Wow.
Not shocked your banned already.

I made this for people to read, not say I didn't want to read it because it's too long.
If you don't want to read it.... DON'T! I didn't post this so people could reply to it without a thought on what I took 20 minutes to write out... for fucks sake, don't be such an asshole.

tl;dr = spam. Period. Take the spam to the Battle Floor where it belongs. Take your talk about someone in a negative judgmental manner to the Battle Floor where it belongs. Take your spamming ass the fuck outta D3Jsp WHERE IT BELONGS!



After 10 years in retirement. Jumpdafukkup is back. And he's on the hunt for noob punks.
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Post#6 Posted: 02 Dec 2008 04:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

TylerDurden wrote:
So because I'm a member of Hands of Divinity II, theres automatically something wrong with me? You have any idea how wrong that sounds in itself? Wow.
Not shocked your banned already.

I made this for people to read, not say I didn't want to read it because it's too long.
If you don't want to read it.... DON'T! I didn't post this so people could reply to it without a thought on what I took 20 minutes to write out... for fucks sake, don't be such an asshole.

tl;dr = spam. Period. Take the spam to the Battle Floor where it belongs. Take your talk about someone in a negative judgmental manner to the Battle Floor where it belongs. Take your spamming ass the fuck outta D3Jsp WHERE IT BELONGS!


You sure you listen to metal and not to rap?

I've read your post and I find it very interesting, that's also why I asked you the above question. You should be able to understand it, perhaps after reading your own post I quoted again (the swearing part that is).

You have interpreted in one way though. I have to say that I partially agree. In this modern society people fit into the "box" of the music yeah, but in my opinion the music was formed to the "box" the people were already in.

As I said, for modern society I agree wih your view on this topic, but I would like to know how you think about the creation of those forms of music.

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HOD II Co-Owner

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Post#7 Posted: 02 Dec 2008 02:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lucas[NM] wrote:
You sure you listen to metal and not to rap?

I've read your post and I find it very interesting, that's also why I asked you the above question. You should be able to understand it, perhaps after reading your own post I quoted again (the swearing part that is).

You have interpreted in one way though. I have to say that I partially agree. In this modern society people fit into the "box" of the music yeah, but in my opinion the music was formed to the "box" the people were already in.

As I said, for modern society I agree wih your view on this topic, but I would like to know how you think about the creation of those forms of music.


At this point, I'm an adrenaline junkie to the extreme. I do listen to rap now and then because of it's edge. Metal is often dark enough to meet my tastes, so I listen to it more. I just don't like the rap music. I can't get down with the loud ass bass, and nowadays the childish themes they use. 10 years ago rap was fuckin sick. They've toned down the whole genre anymore. Half the rappers were/are gangsters. The other half, and all the hip hop artists fake it. Never used to have that, then all the rappers nutz dropped off or something, and they became pussies; just stopped caring about the fakes out there.

As for a follow up on the subject. I must apologize, I'm schizophrenic. For real schizo. I get into a certain line of thinking and just become overwhelmed by so many different things and do things compulsively. This whole thing was written out of impulse. It's pretty rare for me to write about something important(or at least I think neways), I usually write hate propaganda type peices. I'm just an extremely unhappy person who takes things too far regularly, and just feel comfortable doing it now. This was me rebeling from the only thing I can rebel from anymore: myself lol.

I do thank you for taking the time to read it, eventually I'll come back to this and give you the proper response your looking for yo.


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Post#8 Posted: 23 Jan 2010 01:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

First off, found this thread in your rep (trying to find something to do a "flame" about, not a mean person i just like to occassionally flame someone for no reason. But anyways i got sidetracked)

While i read your thread i can understand where you are coming from. Some of it i can agree on atleast in part while others i disagree with fully. I believe you only partially covered metal.

Metal not only invokes these "adrenaline rushes as you stated" but also it is raw emotion. Whereas the more hardcore rap (not the "im richer than you, i shoot more people than you, im a pompous jackass" rap. But the "i am lashing out at the world for injustices i feel or have felt throughout life") Does the same thing. Metal, depending on the style and presentation, Can very powerfully incite emotions of fear, hatred, sadness, or the like of the "darker" feelings in life. While i do not enjoy alot of the metal of today, i realize your post is very old, I can still find the power in it.

Country Music- I am extremely biased in this. Imo country music can be summed up in a couple of lines. My dog died, my wife left me, my truck quit working, im a redneck, i drink alot, my truck/dog/wife got ran over by a train, and i want to slowly sink into depression as i drown my sorrows in cheap whiskey. (like i said, i am extremely biased) I find most people who enjoy country dwell on negative sides of their life and wont let them go. Or and this is a sweeping generalization are racist rednecks.

Pop Music - Do not particularly enjoy it, besides a few bands and songs most of it is just dribble. I mean it has its place. Without pop music how could ALL of the NON conformists complain. What i do enjoy about pop music is, if a good band does manage to make it up to pop status, they can be listened to by many instead of just a dedicated fan base. A good example of this is the foo fighters. (p.s. Dave Grohl is one of my heros, mainly for his percussion work and bridging the gap between percussion and guitarist)

Techno- Has no meaning what so ever....... it shouldnt exist *Biased opinion*

Hip hop - a gentler more flow-y less emotional version of rap.

Personal opinion-
I am a contradiction in itself. I am a metal fan, a rock fan, and can atleast enjoy musically most genres besides country and hip hop. I am not really all that into rap, i enjoy rap only when it is not dub or mixed beats. if the music you hear with the words comes from someones hands then its worth listening to. Yet, i live a partially pacifist life. I believe in violence only when necessary. There should be no "bad-will" Every human is equal and should be treated as so untill they prove this wrong.
Just as every person should be trusted unless they have proven they cannot hold that trust.

The best music is that which evokes an emotional response from the listener. From personal experience i still get chills from listening to some of metallica's more meaningful stuff. I enjoy slayers raining blood, i Love Kottonmouth King's Fire it up album. I enjoy listening to the funky groove and lyris of the chili peppers. Their blood sex and magick album is still one of my favorites. And While i am not into screamo my favorite foreign band is finntroll ( the combination of cultural music with influence from other sources is amazing(listen to the beginning of trollhammaren). Folk metal is interesting. And also, metal combined with orchestra is amazing such as metallica's no leaf clover (im pretty sure thats the song)

music is the bridge to a different thinking or emotion. If you are sad you may move to something that puts you in a better mood. If your angry you may want to get angrier whereas you would listen to some heavy metal, or if you want to cool down you may listen to something a little popy. If you just want to chill you might listen to some pink floyd or some Marcy Playground (not sex and candy, try poppies or blackbird). Music can be an enhancement to any situation.

Either way, i enjoyed your post.

YES, i did some major grave digging with this one lol


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