Name: Adam
Age: 21
Location: originally New Hampshire, currently Alabama
Occupation: Computer Tech. (Have any questions or concerns about computers feel free to pm me, I will help to the best of my ability.)
Become a respected member of d3jsp [X]
Gain 50 reputation points
Become a moderator
Gain 10,000 FG
Became Jr. Mod May 2009
1k posts july 2009
1year at d3jsp September 2009
Retired Mod Position December 2009
1337 posts January 2010
I Run and Provide d3jsp with 4x diablo II US East - meph/chaos/baal bots
Jr. Mod Position Acquired June 2010
Created clan † Helpers † on June 26, 2010
2years at d3jsp September 2010
Retired Mod Position December 2010
clan † Helpers † deceased March 5, 2011
Joined Clan Truth March 5, 2011
Guides I Have Created
-Click the links below to view the guide-
Diablo II LOD,
My east nl pvp account: word_5550
BigBird13512 - 33fg Thanks Mark
Total Gold Transactions In/out ~ August 14, 2010
Total IN: 39,971.39 FG
Total OUT: 39,756.31 FG
Total In/Out Accumulated: 79,727.70 FG
Total LOGD Transactions In/Out Up To August 14, 2010
LOGD transactions OUT = 8,181.26FG
LOGD transactions IN = 12,189.87FG
LOGD Total In/Out Accumulated: 20,371.13FG
LoDG color charts:
To do colors, here's what you need to do.
First, you use a ` mark (found right above the tab key) followed by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, ), q or Q.
Few Examples:
People Begging For Gold Is A Disgrace, I Worked For My Gold, You Should Too.