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Find all posts by tredawg
Active Stats
Total Cumulative Posts 586 ( 0.04% of total forum posts )
Posts Per Day 0.10 posts per day
Joined 01 Jul 2008
Last Visit 03 May 2014
Last Click 3938 Days, 16 Hours ago
Most Active In General Chat
125 posts in this forum
Warnings 0  
User Local Time 13 Feb 2025, 03:31 am
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Reputation (Given) 12     
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Forum Gold 1.20  
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Location vta us.gif
Interests bball d2 and hopefull d3
Date of Birth  
Gender Male
Occupation baller
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Member Title VIP
Group VIP
Legend of the Green Dragon
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tredawg's Character

Level: 1
   Class: Barbarian
   Race: Half Orc
Half Orc
   Element: Fire
   Alignment: Evil

Currency Info
Forum Gold Forum Gold 1

Inventory: 0
Warehouse: 0
Items Owned: 0

Battle Statistics
Victories 3
Defeats 0
Flees 2

Image Description Level
Mining Mining Skill 2
Stone cutting Stone Cutting Skill 1
Forge Forge Skill 3
Enchantment Enchantment Skill 1
Theft Theft Skill 1

Vital Stats
  Health Points:: 40/40
  Mana Points:: 1/1
  Weight: 0/ 1,090
  Experience:: 58/ 2,000

Armour Class Armour Class 10
Strength Strength 18
Dexterity Dexterity 18
Intelligence Intelligence 6
Wisdom Wisdom 11
Charm Charm 2
Constitution Constitution 13
tredawg's Profile Block  
Welcome to my profile!
PM me if u have any questions.

D3jsp Forum Rules


1. Please keep spamming to a minimum. You will receive warns if you continue spamming after being warned by a Moderator.
2. No flaming outside Battle Floor. This also includes Private Messages.
3. Absolutely no racism, sexism, or pornography.
4. Do not bump up old topics, let them die.
5. Do not ask to be a Moderator, we hand pick our Moderators.
6. No torrent, warez or any kind of illegal activities

Trade Rules:

1. You may trade for anything, real life items, Diablo 2 items, whatever else is fine.
2. Do not early bump. Wait 2 hours.
3. If your thread is closed, wait 1 hour before reposting it.
4. Do not steal trades.
5. Do not make fake offers.
6. You trade at your own risk, if an item poofs, do not complain to our Moderators unless you have sufficient proof
7. Anyone caught repeatedly selling unperm item as perms will be banned
8. Ubers are allowed.
9. You may not have more than 4 threads anytime on the first page of any trading forum. Extra threads will be closed and you may be warned.

User Groups:

1. Guild Members: Members of Guild Trust. They are just part of the guild, do not PM them regarding rule violations.
2. Banned: We don't have to explain this. These users are naughty trolls and have met their justice.
3. Members ++: These are our beloved donors (or members who have purchased the Members ++ rank in shop) Members ++ is simply a decoration, they are not moderators.
3. Trade Moderator: These guys look over the trading forums and ensure that users are following the trading rules. Report to one of these Moderators if you see a trade violation.
4. Junior Moderator: Now we are starting to talk about power. These guys are the Moderators' assistants. They moderate less forums than Moderators and cannot delete posts or warn/ban users. They can still edit your posts and contact moderators about possibly banning or warning a user.
5. Moderator: Moderators are powerful users who have the right to govern many forums. They look after all violations but mainly forum policy violations. If you see a trade violation and no Trade Moderator is available, contact one of these guys.
7. Senior Moderator: Senior Moderators have the power to oversee all forums. These guys deal with major violations of the forum. Only contact a Global Moderator if no other Moderator is available. They have the ability to delete spam posts, warn or suspend (ban) users who repeatly violated the forum rules.
8. Admin: Administrators of the forum. They do little moderating as they are busy with many other items. Contact them for issues such as password recovery and other administrative issues only.

The Dreadful Warn System

- General Spamming: 1x warn
- Early Bumping : 1x warn
- Flaming Admins or Mods outside of the Battlefield: 1x warn
- Breaking Signature/Avatar rules even after being informed of the violation by an Admin or Mod: 1x warn
- Using profanity in topic titles outside of the Battlefloor and/or using excessive profanity in posts outside of the Battlefloor: 1x warn
- Racist Comments/Remarks: 1x warn (note: more serious offenses may be met with more warn)
- Posting a pic or wearing a pic from someones that he didnt give you the permission to put or to wear: 3x warn (note: serious offenses in this category may be cause for banning on the first offense)
- Posting pictures in a thread or having pictures in your signature/avatar of a pornographic nature: 2x warn (note: serious offenses in this category may be cause for banning on the first offense)
- Scamming another member (this includes falsely advertising your goods in order to purposefully mislead the other member): Your FG will be locked and you will be banned (depending on the nature of the offense)

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