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3.50 [ Locked ]
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Scandinavia |
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Date of Birth |
23 Jan |
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Male |
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Donor Forum Access
Verified Trader
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Legend of the Green Dragon |
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Radical's Profile Block |
Most asked questions from people
"Is it safe to trade forum gold?"
- No. Why should it? d2jsp is one of the most if not the most up-to-date trading forums online. Its not ment to be simple
"Is there any safe way dealing with forum gold?"
- Again no. People are claiming that they can sell infinite amounts of forum gold without getting caught. this is in most cases not true.
"Do you sell any forum gold?"
- Nope not anymore.
"I got scammed! What should i do now?"
- Click HERE and you will find all the information you need to make a Scammer Accusation
"How do you manage to trade safe?"
- Trading safe its particularly a game of patience. Its easy to spot scammers now a days. The first sign of a scam is a deal that's way to good to be true (Example: 1,000 forum gold vs $7), and yeah some people actually scam for as little as 7 dollars.
Always be sure to get the name of the person you are trading with and if/or paypal is involved make sure they post their paypal account before they send any funds.
If a chargeback happens and the buyer does a chargeback you easily prove to paypal that he knew what he was buying and he confirmed it before sending.
"How do i obtain 'Verified Member' tag?"
- Click HERE and you will find all informations on how to become one.
20 feb 2015 - Joined d3jsp
20 feb 2015 - Gold Locked For Suspicious IP
22 feb 2015 - Gold Lock Removed - Not that suspicious afterall
25 feb 2015 - Got My 1st First Rep - t4t herotic
26 feb 2015 - Got My 2nd Rep - t4t mystery
26 feb 2015 - Got My 3rd Rep - t4t Metalinker
27 feb 2015 - Obtained Verified Member Tag
28 feb 2015 - 100 Posts Achieved
01 mar 2015 - Got My 4th Rep - t4t bigredjj
02 mar 2015 - Got My 5th Rep - t4t Bottlejsp
05 mar 2015 - Got My 6th Rep - t4t CoDAW19
05 mar 2015 - Metalinker donated me 641 d3jsp forum gold <3
05 mar 2015 - lemonss donated me 100 d3jsp forum gold. <3
06 mar 2015 - CoDAW19 donated me 3x accounts for Diablo II <3
06 mar 2015 - Metalinker donated me further 1,600 d3jsp forum gold <3
06 mar 2015 - Obtained VIP Tag
10 mar 2015 - Got My 7th Rep - t4t Punishment
10 mar 2015 - Got My 8th Rep - t4t desiredfg
14 mar 2015 - Obtained Verified VIP Tag
16 mar 2015 - 200 Posts Achieved
20 mar 2015 - Been on d3jsp.org for a month.
24 mar 2015 - Got My 9th Rep - Thank you Lewd
28 mar 2015 - Georgiana22 scammed me for 7 USD. How low can u go in life? HAHA
28 mar 2015 - 300 Posts Achieved
05 apr 2015 - Got My 10th & 11th Rep - t4t jdmandy
07 apr 2015 - Got My 12th Rep - t4t BigChevy
07 apr 2015 - BigChevy donated me 3.5$ <3
10 apr 2015 - 400 Posts Achieved
14 apr 2015 - Got My 13th Rep - t4t Electric
15 apr 2015 - Got My 14th Rep - t4t b00stedi4
20 apr 2015 - Been on d3jsp.org for two months.
24 apr 2015 - 500 Posts Achieved
01 may 2015 - Got My 15th Rep - t4t kxg510
23 sept 2015 - Obtained Advisor Tag
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