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Joined: 27 Feb 2010
Posts: 14321

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2011 11:46 am    Post subject:


the_pillo wrote:
Bo$$ wrote:
Vassago wrote:
Nope, not a damn word...

nothing special there

90% of the peoples words are fuck you
your mother is a .....
you are a ....
translate yourselfe word "kurwa" and you got half of their posts translated

considering your polish maybe you would understand that kurwa has multiple meanings, i myself do not know any of the polish language and i know that it is also the polish equivalent to comma.

Second of all, your bitching about it in the wrong subforum if you expected not to get what my thirdly is going to be


your mother is a cum guzzling dumpster slut, so fucking fat that i wouldnt even bother to dump a load of cum in her. How you came to be is simply baffling me to this day. Your mother makes njags wife looks hot. Your mother might as well go jump in front of a train and fucking die considering the offspring she burst from her rotting pussy. Maybe if you had the balls enough to step outside instead of spending your meaningless and pitiful existence bitching about the internet then you wouldn't have these issues.


Its the internet man, you cant expect everyone to be nice all the time. either get a sense of humor or get off the internet, but i am warning you, you wont find the world to be much nicer to someone who is not only a little bitch but a narc.


I have managed to go my entire time here with very few flames, but this thread in itself has brought out the worst in me. Your are the exact reason why people troll. your emotional and highly personal response to criticism makes it soooo much sweeter.

P.S. i wrote this entire thing with a smile on my face and my arm around my gf, so you know i wasnt mad. i just want you to see the stupidity of this thread.

now please, grow up and get back to me once you have.

P.P.S. you mentioned reputation as well.... funny because you have 2 reps... one for being funny, and one from mega, the rest are from members not seen in over a year with very low statistics and scammers......... i am pretty sure you are not one to talk
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Review: Approve 
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ReviewPosted: 29 Jan 2011 12:03 pm


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