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Joined: 11 Jun 2008
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Location: PA

PostPosted: 30 Nov 2008 04:13 am    Post subject: Music. Differences. And my take on the subject.

Posted this on the one other site.... 5 seconds later, "tl;dr." Expected from there, but I'm sure my d3jsp homies here will actually read something that another person deems important to them, because while we have a few assholes here, we just have a better class of asshole lol. j/p y'all mad love. Enjoy.

The reason so many people in the world have differences can be linked to a common entity. Music.

If you look at the fans of certain styles of music, you can see evident differences. And it's, believe it or not an inherent differences.

The differences aren't the taste in music, but the predilection of the music itself. People listen to music because it can soothe their souls. And souls in all people
are for lack of a better word, diverse. In the exceptional case of love, everyones soul is different from a total stranger's.
Country music tends to draw out those from certain areas of the world where diversity is a little more scarce, but still evidently different because not everyone
subscribes to the same principles on life.
Pop music is more favored by those who are, astonishingly enough: POPULAR! HA HA. No, go figure that the people who listen to pop music are friends with
other people who listen to it as well, and again, inherently so making the music popular and the listeners commonly popular by default.
Metal music tends to draw out those with a great deal of fear and anxiety. I know most of you reading this know I listen to metal as one of my musical choices,
but I'm not trying to center this blog around me like the rest of my writings. Instead I want to look at how metal music inspires adrenaline rushes. Adrenaline rushes
have the tendancy to incite a feeling of temporary "invincibility." Now you must question why someone would want to be invincible. I know that if I wanted to be, it
would be to protect life and limb or otherwise. So if I want adrenaline pumping through my veins, it has a good chance of being because I need protection for
whatever reason. Typically, I'd say that people who listen to metal have seen a travesty or two in their lifetime, and spend too much time thinking about it, so need
regular protection from it; enter the need for adrenaline rushes.
Rap music is most popular amongst those with a taste for desparation. Pick your poison is my view on rap. Whether you get off on intimidating people, or as often
as it is, you need motivation, or looking to relate to the lyrist who tends to be of a similar nature. Simply put, how many bullies did you know growing up? 1? 2? And
I mean real bullies, not someone who made fun of your shirt one day and never spoke to you again. I mean someone who beat people up a great deal, or regularly
relied on their intimidation tactics to get their way. So yeah, you may have known 1 or 2 all depending where you came from. So, what does that speak about bullies?
It says quite simply they it is a lonely profession to say the least. So they tend to emulate those who they find comfort in relating in. Enter why so many people who
have tastes for hardcore rap like to act according to the aggressive lifestyle.
Hip hop music tends to draw in people who aren't desparate enough to seek out the comradarie of rap, but still like the sounds, and linguistic stylings of rap, and
commonly like other types of music moreso. Hip hop in my opinion is pop music trash. But thats just my views. Hip hop however I may wanna classify it is a true
all-American art form. It is the only true style of music that has listeners from almost every other music type I've listed here. When you have things like rapcore,
which is rap lyrics strapped with heavy metal guitar riffs, or heavy metal vocals strapped to a rap beat. Or when puff daddy does a song with Christina Aguilera.
Again when country music stars do songs with hip hop artist and so on. It's a true "melting pot" of musical artform.
I'll lightly go over techno because I personally don't see a real connection with listening to it. Most people I know that are dedicated to techno or trance like it
because they are too doped out to follow along with the lyrics of a song otherwise lol. But again, like the other artforms it draws in those looking for a connection.
Albeit a lot of people are fucked up on XTC, but hey they are human and are still fully conscious even while massively coked out and want to hear something appealing.

One thing that all these styles of music have in common is the relationship of isolation. A contradiction of terms to say the least. But you seldomly see people who are
dedicated to multiple lifestyles that music tends to provide for us. So you have what you see a in America more than most any other country in history; massive amounts
diversity which can now be traced to one source. Music.

To follow up, I just want to say that there is nothing wrong with diversity, and we should ultimately embrace it. Because if anything else, people will always find someway to
show they are different from other people no matter what they do. Because if you have no diversity around you, then you feel like every single other person, and humans
ultimately want definition of oneself, and you can only do that by looking at things that aren't the same as you. I think that we all should embrace the concept that we are
all different from each other one way or the other, and we always will want to be, but most of all.....

I want people to accept that what makes us different, and makes us look at each other, is what's making us look at each other in the first place. Hopefully, we can let die
some of our hateful indifferences, and move on to create a level of civility with each other through rejoicing our differences, and not fighting because of them.

Peace out motherbitches.

After 10 years in retirement. Jumpdafukkup is back. And he's on the hunt for noob punks.
All your hacks will fall before the greatness of Teh Legit.
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Review: Approve 
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ReviewPosted: 02 Dec 2008 04:34 am

Nicely written and I agree on the modern view, read my reply for further info though :]
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