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Joined: 27 May 2013
Posts: 7822
Location: California

<b><font color=red>Scammer</font></b>

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2013 08:43 pm    Post subject: Number 1 Kolbot/D2bs Service Thread

Hello folks. Ive noticed a bunch of people posting threads concerning bot help services, and I thought i would make my own thread. I will be offering people help with their kolbot application, and kolbot alone. I prefer to work only with kolbot, as i am more knowledgeable with it than any other bot program. Im very used to helping people set up their bots, because I run a successful key selling shop. All bot sessions will be conducted over skype screenshare ( i do not use team viewer under any circumstances, and I believe simply making changes via team viewer is counterproductive. I have always found it best to walk each person through the steps because they seem to retain the information enough so they can do scripting themselves after I have helped them)

The prices for my kolbot services are as follows:

Basic setup (1-3 bots. This includes the basic scripts for setting up a bot to run mf, leader n leecher games.) 100fg

Intermediate setup (3-5 bots. This includes the basic scripts for setting up a bot to run mf, leader n leecher games, auto chant games, auto muling, manual leecher games ect. pm me for more details) 200fg

Advance setup (5-8 bots or more. This includes everything. Mf, leecher/leader scripts, autochant, automule, manual leecher scripts, picket file setup, complete tweaking of bot to maximize efficiency, and anything else you might need help with. Pm me for more details)

************SUPER SETUP SERVICES WITH MASS BOTTING********************

This is included for people looking to take their botting to extremes. For these services, I help you
integrate Sock5 Proxies within the kolbot/proxifier manager so you can run literally AS MANY bots as you want. Good proxies cost money, so if you are a die hard botter, be willing to pay for a good proxy company. I have a list of the best recommendations for proxy companies on the web. I even help people who are so extreme that they want to build a linux device with graphics user interface. This is then uploaded to a server that you would pay to use. So essentially if your computer can only run 100 bots, servers are great ways to run mass bots beyond your initial computers capabilities. Also can help with vps and things of a similar kind.

This extreme bot setup service is 1,000fg, and it includes everything stated above. Proxy/server setup, private picket scripts, bot setup, complete kolbot walkthrough, automule ect ect..

Best of all, i do not charge upfront whatsoever. You will only pay me once I have helped you set up your bots and only if you are satisfied with my help. Also, (and only if you think i have done an exceptional job) feel free to rep me. I do not accept reps from ppl unless it is completely earned.

Looking forward to helping out the community with their bots smile

Last edited by Warrior55x on 03 Sep 2013 04:29 am; edited 2 times in total
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Post reviews:   Approve +1
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Review: Approve 
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ReviewPosted: 01 Dec 2013 07:48 pm

Thanks for your help mate smile
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