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Post#1 Posted: 08 Jul 2007 01:44 pm    Post subject: The Poltergeist Reply with quote

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Attribute Distribution
3. Skill Distribution
4. Equipment (with substitutions)
5. Dueling Strategies
6. Final Notes

1. Introduction:

The lightning trapsin. A class that specializes in lightning based attacks from traps laid on the ground. This is the ultimate guide to the trapsin class which maxes resistances, damage reduction, the ability to block, and the amount of damage you will deal. This trapsin guide deviates from normal trap assassin guides. In this, you will effectively be a ghost who hits hard, hence the name "Poltergeist".

2. Attribute Distribution:

This is a straight up vitality build. Anyone who is familiar with these should know exactly what is coming:

Strength: Enough to wear equipment
Dexterity: Enough to wear equipment
Vitality: Everything else
Energy: Nothing

3. Skill Distribution:

Here is where this build deviates from the conventional trapsin. Most recommend you max out mindblast, but here, we're using minimal points. This is a claw-claw build.

Lightning Sentry (main attack)-20
Death Sentry (synergy)- 20
Shock Web (synergy)- 20
Charged Bolt Sentry (synergy)- 20
Claw Block- Enough to get 60% block rate.
Burst of speed- 1
Fade- Everything else (remember, each skill in fade, whether physical point or not, is 1% DR!)
Mindblast- 1
Shadow Master- 1

4. Equipment:

I will be listing two types of equipment for a few items. Group "A" follows the 102% Build that I have personally experimented with and enjoyed greatly. Group "B" follows the 65% Build that I started off with, and still love.

Helm- A: 08 Valk or Griffons, socketed with a Cham rune
B: 2sin/20fcr/stats/life/res Circlet. Socketed with either 15/15(s), 7/15(s), Jah(s), or 20/15(s).

Weapons: +2 assassin or +3 Traps, +3 Lightning Sentry, then either +2 to Mindblast or Fade claws with two open sockets. You should put 15ias/15resist jewels in them or two shael runes. Make sure these are GREATER TALON claws. They have the best attack speed possible. I prefer 2/3/2s as opposed to 3/3/2s as they give you better stats on fade, clawblock, mb...etc. Is it really worth it to lose 4 points on everything for +2 on LS?

Belt: Arachnids mesh. +skills, faster cast rate. Yeah, its great.

Ring1: 10fcr/stat/life/res Ring

Ring2: A: Similar ring to Ring 1
B: Ravenfrost so you don't get frozen.

Gloves: A: Trangs/Magefists
B: Double Up'd Bloodfists

Amulet: A: 2sin/17%fcr+ ammy. These are VERY hard to find, so good luck. (I was the proud owner of the best (known) at east, until my account was banned for Loader. I still have the picture, should anyone want to dispute this =D)
B: Storm Hide.

Boots: Gspurs. Stats, FHR, Run/Walk, and Resists. Best you can get.

Charms: High stat Torch, high stat annihilus. x6-8 Trap lifers, x1-3 Trap FHRs (You want to be able to hit 86% FHR with the gear you have on). x10 20life/5res SC's.

5. Dueling Strategies:

Generally, the dueling strategy is to avoid your opponent (some exceptions are given) and set up traps around yourself. Remember, use the outer edge of your screen and try to make a semi-circle of traps surrounding yourself. This gives max range and distance between your opponent. Once your opponent comes into view, mindblast them and allow your traps to finish them off.
There are also two strategies for your minions. If you want to be tricky, summon a shadow warrior against non-elemental opponents. Set your left hand skill to "attack" and your right hand skill to "Mindblast". 90% of the time, your warrior will strictly use MB. However, against any elemental opponent, use SMaster, as their fade will eat everything.

Vs. Melee and Hammerdins: Follow the above. Set up traps, mindblast, avoid your opponent. The only people that should give you trouble in this area are sorbers, pallys with stacked resistances (easy to avoid, annoying to kill), and tele barbs. Tele barbs have nice resistances and even better health, so just avoid them and you'll be fine.

Vs. Sorceresses: Keep at a distance, dont let them hit you with their specific spell, mindblast lock them, and let your traps finish them off.

Vs. Caster Druids/Necromancers: These are somewhat annoying because your traps will target their summons. When they come in range, try to mindblast lock them and hopefully your traps will destroy them along with their summons.

Vs. Smiters: These are annoying. Just try to mindblast them and set traps around them. When they charge out of your mindblast, set some new traps, and get ready for round two. It's a war of attrition.

Vs. Bowazons: Tele right on top of them and mindblast them. Make sure you have a few traps set. This will eliminate their range.

Vs. Javazons: Stay out of their range. Your fade should eat them anyways.

6. Final Notes:

Remember, this is a GUIDE. These are my ideas and are solely my ideas. Even the flaws in this guide (because there probably are some) are mine. This is meant for you to build off of. If you want to completely copy this guide, I will be flattered, but just don't try to pass this guide off as your own. Any comments will be helpful and graciously received, as long as they are not insulting or likewise.

Updated February 9, 2009

Last edited by Phreke on 09 Feb 2009 07:03 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Post#2 Posted: 08 Jul 2007 01:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nice guide. added to Diablo 2 - Assassin Builds here:

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Post#3 Posted: 13 Aug 2007 09:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nice guide
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Post#4 Posted: 07 Aug 2008 10:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The only things i disagree with on ur build is ur helm and boots. My wwsin is lvl 91 i use everything u use only i use shael'd shako (skills life mana dr and fhr) and i use shadow dancers (skills dex(ar) fhr) not saying ur build doestn work or is inferiour but ill stick with myn it hasnt lost yet.

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Post#5 Posted: 27 Sep 2008 12:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good trapassin.

I only build spirit/spirit sins so lol I'd have to go claw hunting.

I heard a goldy pair of claws usually go for ~800 hrs tho
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Post#6 Posted: 20 Nov 2008 12:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

TheBestEver wrote:
nice guide

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Post#7 Posted: 02 Feb 2009 06:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Skills: This is not PvM, so you'll need to either max Mindblast or Fireblast. You'll find yourself lacking one of those skills, if you don't max them. Oh, and you've gotta use Shadow Master, since they'll spam Mindblast from like 2 screens away.

Items in all: You've got 40 fcr.....

Helm: You should mention the use of either griffon or valk 08, since 65 fcr is a frame too slow against necros etc. If you have ever played with 102fcr, you'll want to toss your assa circlets away, because the 65fcr is just too slow. I'm not saying that 65fcr is useless though, I use it versus tough hammerdins (ones I can't chase around), some sorcs (for the flexibility - more res, absorb etc) but never a necro, since they can play around with you if you only wear 65fcr

Weapons: 2 Assa / 3 Ls ++, not 3/3, since you'll lack the 2 shadow skills (2fade, 2mb etc) which is superior to +1 Ls. You can have only one gt and another slow claw if you do wsm bug and the gt needs 45ias for the ias frame.
And you gotta put 2* 7fhr/15 res in the other claw if you do so

Rings: Fine choice, you might want to replace them with absorb from time to time though. Use 2* fcr rings with strength (if you ahvent got perf amu) when you need 102fcr

Gloves: I wouldn't use bloodfist, since it'll destroy your flexibilty when trying to achieve 65 fcr. Trangs gloves 24/7 you also need them for 102fcr.

Amulets: Storm hide is an awesome amulet, but you need 65 fcr, so you should go with some 2assa/fcr/strength/life (strength is explained at boots section)

Boots: I recommend you to use shadow dancers 24/7 (unless vs blizz if you got awesome ones with fhr) because of not only the impressive 30% fhr, but also 30% frw, 2 shadow skills (2 more dr, 2 more mb) and the dexterity needed for greater talons (if i remember correctly) and to make it even better, it has got the best kick damage, which is a good damage output when used correctly. They need 167 strength though, that's why you need strength on either amu or rings.

Charms: if I remember correctly you need 1* fhr skiller to reach 86fhr with 08 valk, but if you use griffon just go 9 lifers.

Duel style: Avoid your opponent and set trap around yourself? Nope. I wont try to explain how to duel on an assassin, since it's one of the most complex so I wont even bother.
All in all, how are you going to win versus casters chars if you just try to let them get hit by your traps? You gotta hunt them down and set them up in a stunlock with mb, fb or kicks.

I didn't like the guide rly

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Post#8 Posted: 09 Feb 2009 07:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wack_Jam wrote:
Skills: This is not PvM, so you'll need to either max Mindblast or Fireblast. You'll find yourself lacking one of those skills, if you don't max them. Oh, and you've gotta use Shadow Master, since they'll spam Mindblast from like 2 screens away.

Items in all: You've got 40 fcr.....

Helm: You should mention the use of either griffon or valk 08, since 65 fcr is a frame too slow against necros etc. If you have ever played with 102fcr, you'll want to toss your assa circlets away, because the 65fcr is just too slow. I'm not saying that 65fcr is useless though, I use it versus tough hammerdins (ones I can't chase around), some sorcs (for the flexibility - more res, absorb etc) but never a necro, since they can play around with you if you only wear 65fcr

Weapons: 2 Assa / 3 Ls ++, not 3/3, since you'll lack the 2 shadow skills (2fade, 2mb etc) which is superior to +1 Ls. You can have only one gt and another slow claw if you do wsm bug and the gt needs 45ias for the ias frame.
And you gotta put 2* 7fhr/15 res in the other claw if you do so

Rings: Fine choice, you might want to replace them with absorb from time to time though. Use 2* fcr rings with strength (if you ahvent got perf amu) when you need 102fcr

Gloves: I wouldn't use bloodfist, since it'll destroy your flexibilty when trying to achieve 65 fcr. Trangs gloves 24/7 you also need them for 102fcr.

Amulets: Storm hide is an awesome amulet, but you need 65 fcr, so you should go with some 2assa/fcr/strength/life (strength is explained at boots section)

Boots: I recommend you to use shadow dancers 24/7 (unless vs blizz if you got awesome ones with fhr) because of not only the impressive 30% fhr, but also 30% frw, 2 shadow skills (2 more dr, 2 more mb) and the dexterity needed for greater talons (if i remember correctly) and to make it even better, it has got the best kick damage, which is a good damage output when used correctly. They need 167 strength though, that's why you need strength on either amu or rings.

Charms: if I remember correctly you need 1* fhr skiller to reach 86fhr with 08 valk, but if you use griffon just go 9 lifers.

Duel style: Avoid your opponent and set trap around yourself? Nope. I wont try to explain how to duel on an assassin, since it's one of the most complex so I wont even bother.
All in all, how are you going to win versus casters chars if you just try to let them get hit by your traps? You gotta hunt them down and set them up in a stunlock with mb, fb or kicks.

I didn't like the guide rly

The guide is 2 years old. It was written with different gear and different ideas. It's now updated to what my old sin, Insomnia, was before 11/11/08. If you want to post your own guide, go for it.

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Post#9 Posted: 10 Feb 2009 05:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

no shako = no gozu 50mf


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Post#10 Posted: 10 Feb 2009 06:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ordinator wrote:
no shako = no gozu 50mf


This is PvP Guide . 8/10 here , realy well written derisive
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Post#11 Posted: 10 Feb 2009 06:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pinko wrote:
Ordinator wrote:
no shako = no gozu 50mf


This is PvP Guide . 8/10 here , realy well written derisive

oh thx for pointing this out mr pinko
i thought this is race asssasin

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Post#12 Posted: 10 Feb 2009 06:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

SuB wrote:
The only things i disagree with on ur build is ur helm and boots. My wwsin is lvl 91 i use everything u use only i use shael'd shako (skills life mana dr and fhr) and i use shadow dancers (skills dex(ar) fhr) not saying ur build doestn work or is inferiour but ill stick with myn it hasnt lost yet.

altrough hes a brainless random

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Post#13 Posted: 10 Feb 2009 06:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ordinator wrote:
SuB wrote:
The only things i disagree with on ur build is ur helm and boots. My wwsin is lvl 91 i use everything u use only i use shael'd shako (skills life mana dr and fhr) and i use shadow dancers (skills dex(ar) fhr) not saying ur build doestn work or is inferiour but ill stick with myn it hasnt lost yet.

altrough hes a brainless random

do not flame outside the Battlefield please.
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Post#14 Posted: 10 Feb 2009 06:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pinko wrote:
Ordinator wrote:
SuB wrote:
The only things i disagree with on ur build is ur helm and boots. My wwsin is lvl 91 i use everything u use only i use shael'd shako (skills life mana dr and fhr) and i use shadow dancers (skills dex(ar) fhr) not saying ur build doestn work or is inferiour but ill stick with myn it hasnt lost yet.

altrough hes a brainless random

do not flame outside the Battlefield please.

i can mediate this derisive

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Post#15 Posted: 10 Feb 2009 07:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wack_Jam wrote:
Skills: This is not PvM, so you'll need to either max Mindblast or Fireblast. You'll find yourself lacking one of those skills, if you don't max them. Oh, and you've gotta use Shadow Master, since they'll spam Mindblast from like 2 screens away.

Items in all: You've got 40 fcr.....

Helm: You should mention the use of either griffon or valk 08, since 65 fcr is a frame too slow against necros etc. If you have ever played with 102fcr, you'll want to toss your assa circlets away, because the 65fcr is just too slow. I'm not saying that 65fcr is useless though, I use it versus tough hammerdins (ones I can't chase around), some sorcs (for the flexibility - more res, absorb etc) but never a necro, since they can play around with you if you only wear 65fcr

Weapons: 2 Assa / 3 Ls ++, not 3/3, since you'll lack the 2 shadow skills (2fade, 2mb etc) which is superior to +1 Ls. You can have only one gt and another slow claw if you do wsm bug and the gt needs 45ias for the ias frame.
And you gotta put 2* 7fhr/15 res in the other claw if you do so

Rings: Fine choice, you might want to replace them with absorb from time to time though. Use 2* fcr rings with strength (if you ahvent got perf amu) when you need 102fcr

Gloves: I wouldn't use bloodfist, since it'll destroy your flexibilty when trying to achieve 65 fcr. Trangs gloves 24/7 you also need them for 102fcr.

Amulets: Storm hide is an awesome amulet, but you need 65 fcr, so you should go with some 2assa/fcr/strength/life (strength is explained at boots section)

Boots: I recommend you to use shadow dancers 24/7 (unless vs blizz if you got awesome ones with fhr) because of not only the impressive 30% fhr, but also 30% frw, 2 shadow skills (2 more dr, 2 more mb) and the dexterity needed for greater talons (if i remember correctly) and to make it even better, it has got the best kick damage, which is a good damage output when used correctly. They need 167 strength though, that's why you need strength on either amu or rings.

Charms: if I remember correctly you need 1* fhr skiller to reach 86fhr with 08 valk, but if you use griffon just go 9 lifers.

Duel style: Avoid your opponent and set trap around yourself? Nope. I wont try to explain how to duel on an assassin, since it's one of the most complex so I wont even bother.
All in all, how are you going to win versus casters chars if you just try to let them get hit by your traps? You gotta hunt them down and set them up in a stunlock with mb, fb or kicks.

I didn't like the guide rly

This is the pro assasin player ... Well, not really, but he's fucking good with guides ^^. Nn rl etc. I didn't even read your guide "Wade", I just read holger's post and thought "Well, this guide wasn't that good" (no matter how you updated it ~~


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Post#16 Posted: 12 Feb 2009 01:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

didnt see it was old as fuck lol..would have blowed still^^
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Post#17 Posted: 12 Feb 2009 01:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Didn't see much change except the things I already told you. But you should mention that mana/res on fcr rings - I find it a must to have mana on fcr rings rly. Oh, and dancers are still > gspurs. Why use 2/3 claws over 3/3 if you take gspur over dancers?
You wont need to go for 86fhr unless you use valk 08. And even with valk 08 its not necessary. 48 is more than fine in almost every situation

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Post#18 Posted: 12 Feb 2009 01:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

B: 2sin/20fcr/stats/life/res Circlet. Socketed with either 15/15(s), 7/15(s), Jah(s), or 20/15(s).
15/15's isnt needed aslong as you use a GT, right? derisive FHR from 7/15's you get from secondary claw so you can use 2* Jah or Ber etc. 20/15 is also cool to have

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Post#19 Posted: 12 Feb 2009 03:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wack_Jam wrote:
B: 2sin/20fcr/stats/life/res Circlet. Socketed with either 15/15(s), 7/15(s), Jah(s), or 20/15(s).
15/15's isnt needed aslong as you use a GT, right? derisive FHR from 7/15's you get from secondary claw so you can use 2* Jah or Ber etc. 20/15 is also cool to have

No. You still need 42% IAS from other sources to reach your max trap-lay speed. So it depends on what you want to socket your stuff with, really.

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Post#20 Posted: 12 Feb 2009 03:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Quote: You should put 15ias/15resist jewels in them or two shael runes. Make sure these are GREATER TALON claws. They have the best attack speed possible

Btw, notice the sarcastic derisive smiley I made. Oh, and I wasn't talking about putting 15/15's into claw, but into helmet - I see _no_ use for 15/15 in helmet, since one 15/15 will make a 30 base IAS gt reach the breakpoint, so why overdo it? You don't use fade vs necro, so no need to stack vs golem slow derisive
I'm amazed you didn't mention putting 20/20's into helmet derisive (ohh, another one)

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