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Barb Vs Caster guide

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Post#1 Posted: 16 Jan 2009 08:11 pm    Post subject: Barb Vs Caster guide Reply with quote

bvc's are characters that have good damage , a lot of life , moderate amount of ar, good ds, and dr switch.

Ill start with skills:

20 WhirlWind -> thats your main attack.
15 leap -> Leap is the most usefull skill in tvt, while you stun your opponents,
they are put into double fhr frame. Which means their fhr is devided by 2.
20 axe mastery -> boost of damage/ar for you.
4 increased speed -> you want to be fast as well to dodge attacks such as fire balls,and bone spears.
5 natural resistance -> nice res boost.
1 berserker -> this is your seconadry attack , veru usefull.
20 battle orders -> major mana/life boost.
1 battle command
1into iron skin
rest in shout -> usefull for you and your friends in tvt


once you have all your gear your stats should look like this:
str -> enough for gear
dex -> enough for widow maker
vita -> rest
energy -> none

Now bvc needs different switches for different duels:
i only listed gear that changes:

default gear: Bvc Vs All <pubs> str boost/frw/teleport/skills
gloves: trangs /draculas <- you need both
ring 1: ravenfrost
ring 2: ravenfrost
belt: arach
Gloves: trangs
Boots: gores
ammy: highlord
Helmet: 2barb/20fcr/visionary/dex/str/life/2os circlet try to get as best as you can.
2x bers inside
Axe 1: Grief ba make sure its 34+ ias
Axe 2: Beast ba

Gear vs Melee:

armor: enigma
gloves: trangs
ring 1: ravenfrost
ring 2: ravenfrost
belt: dungo
helm: coa make sure its 15dr/ double berd = 31dr
ammy: highlord
boots: gores
Axe 1: grief Ba
Axe 2: beast ba

Gear vs caster:

gloves: dracs
belt: arach
rings: 1x 100ar +/dex/str/life/res ring
ring 2: ravenfrost or wisp/dwarf remember one piece of sorb is gm
boots: rare res boots (recommended) or gores
helm: circlet i mentioned in bvc vs all
armor: enigma
axe1: Grief
axe2: beast

after you boed put widow maker on

Gear vs Hammerdin:
gloves: trangs
belt: arach
rings: abgelics
ammy: angelic
helm: visionary circlet
armor: enigma
boots: gores
axe 1: beast
axe 2: grief

after you bo put widow maker in that spot.
(will be explained why shortly)

Inventory: (this doesnt changes)
6 x 5fhr/5res scs
27x ar/max/life scs
1x 451 posion sc <- 1 is gm
3x bmanas(if east) or 20.17s

extra gear in stash:
2x wisps
2x dwarfs
2x light sabers
widow maker with um or Lo in it

Dueling strategies:

( Sin vs Barb)

Assasin (ww) :
this will be easy
your ar/and physical damage is way too superior for them to handle.

tele stomp them and end their life.

Assasin (trapper) :
Most trappers are defensive and will sit in their traps trying to get you to tele on them, dont do this , pull out your widow maker and make them mad till they go offensive , if they dont just shoot arrows till you hit them enough

when they are offensive avoid their traps , telestomp and leap+ww when they dont have enough traps around them yet. Thats just matter of time till they give in.

Assasin: (hybrid)
This guys are a bit annoying , because they are just like trappers but with protection of ww, or just like ww but with lower damage traps .
play with them with your widow maker , once they try to get close to you and ww
show them why ww is barbs skill and not sins.

(amazon vs barb)

Bow amazon

slap on dungo
and play extremely offensive
they will try to hit and run
tele in front of them and ww

glasscannons will die in 1-2 hits

vita bowas will die in 3-5


Gm (no fc): Again slap on 1 wisp
and tele on them ww
dont let their charged strike hit you dont stay by them too long.

Bm (fc): slap on tgods/2x wisps/ fade from treachery/
after that their lightnign attacks are useless

this guy are only danager to us if they hide in their posion clouds

just wait till they walk out or their cloud dissapears and tele stomp/kill them

you can also use leap and leap them out from their clouds.

this javas rarely use enigma , but be catious 140k damage is not a dildo you can play with.

(Barb vs Sorc)

use sorc setup
1x sorb ring for each element at all times.

Blizzard sorc:
this guys can 1-2 hit you remember their cold mastery.

avoid blizzs ,

use leap+ widow maker once they are posioned / open wounded their life will fall down on your eyes.

play defensive they often cast blizz on themselfs as protection


Fire ballers:
Unlike blizz sorc this sorceresses will play Offensive!
you want to telestomp them as soon as possible

with your widow on place shoot them till theyre open wonded
after that duel will go fast , they will try to get close to you
so catching them will be easier.

Lightning sorcs:

lightning sorcs - treat them like fballers 1 wisp on.
they need veery good accuracy to hit you

Nova sorcs:

since their range of attack is low they will try to get close to you
and then nova, no nova sorc will stand in 1-3 wws
i can guarentee you that

if they use light
use widow maker

Bowa sorcs:
treat them like bowa amazons
ull need to telestomp them
use widow to open wound them

(Barb vs Necro)

Necro bone non-mb:

Now this guys are easy once you get to them
while you get to them

they run around spamming spirits
most will be invisible, avoid AS many spirits as you can since their damage will be 5k+ each

use widow maker to trigger them to you

leap + ww once they are close

Necro bone mb (usually dr) :

This necros are more PAIN IN THE ASS then non-mb
while lowering their damage to 3-4k

They have 50dr//mb

it takes usually 4-8 wws to kill them

play offensive/defensive against them

leap leap ww leap leap ww leap leap widow widow WW

dont let them outtank you
once you get 1-2 hits on them retreat use widow

posion necos:

this guys are a joke , tele stomp + ww/ leap+ widow +ww/
their range of attack is low theyll try to get closer to you


WW trusspasses monsters just ww into a pack if summoner trys to telesomp you
BE CAREFULL THO watch out so summmoner doesnt iron maiden you cuz ur fucken then.

(Barbs vs Pallys)

you want to ww through him
will get job done ez.
very easy opponnent
just dont ww away from him

same goes for tele zealer

WW away from him
use angelics if you need
be carefull hes worthy opponent

he kills you in 1-4 smites while you need to ww around him for some time
due to high dr/mb/life/defense

Now this is the most common character
with high damage/life/mb/ and tele/synch its very hard to destroy them

some have dr switches as well thats pro level

Never let him synch you into tight places use teleport , shoot from widow ,

its very hard to kill hdin while hes dysynching we want him to tele somp us

WW away from him once he telestomp
if he tele in front of you , ww other way

try to ww In letter L


wisp on

tele stomp him

if he dysynchs use widow


pretty easy

Ill add more strategies soon

Last edited by Shard on 16 Jan 2009 08:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post#2 Posted: 16 Jan 2009 08:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

(barb vs druid)

Non-mb ele druid:

pretty easy
hell try to telestomp you

leap to knock back his summons and ww

repeat the process till he died
usually they die soon.

mb ele druid:
Leap to knock back his summons
aim for spirit 1st
kill it

then go for druid

leap him into tight place and ww
their fhr bps are terrible

neutralize spirit -> leap -> leap -> ww

takes few hits
you should be fine tho

Fire druid:
dwarf on

if hes tger ww by the town entrance

if he actually teles wait for him to come close ,
his range is mediocre at best

leap to knock summons off
ww him

their tgers
nothing you can do unless leave them alone
if he walks out
1-3 wws kills him

(Barb Vs barb)


use melee duel
this duel is 50%/50%
all that matters here is your skill
not so much for gear but having more stats is better ofc.

slap on stormshield if you want just to block some of his attacks


widow maker
shoot arrows
bvb doesnt have fcr so he only run keep your distance
widow maker will do the job
may take some time tho

leap him and ww if you want as well

but dont let him hit you

just hit and run
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Post#3 Posted: 18 Jan 2009 12:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

btw when dueling bowas
just swap grief for doomz
theyll die even faster
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Post#4 Posted: 21 Jan 2009 06:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i perfer using coa for pubs for dr+res+fhr works nicely
1Xfcr/ar/life/res ring or str/dex in there>arach+1raven
also a 2barb/fcr/life/res ammy works great instead of arach

nb guide tho

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Post#5 Posted: 24 Jan 2009 07:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

bulldogmitch91 wrote:
i perfer using coa for pubs for dr+res+fhr works nicely
1Xfcr/ar/life/res ring or str/dex in there>arach+1raven
also a 2barb/fcr/life/res ammy works great instead of arach

nb guide tho

wrong Lol
you never use 10fcr rings on barb lol exept maybe if they have adds like :str/dex/life/ar/res/mana

which is impossible

gl trying to catch any normal caster with that build bro.

@ guide

i lol @ doomz's
nn for them holy freeze wont really protect you since most chars have ravenfrost/cham in their gear

only use doomz vs melees to slow them down.

you use 1 xravenfrost/ 1x life/mana/ar/dex/str ring

remember you need to hit 700+ mana on bvc since most casters will just run around spamming shit on you

why Lo in widow maker? only um should be in there
widow maker is only used to open wound /posion casters

damage too low on it even if it had 100ds /100 critical strike ( 2x normal damage)

also its funny how you duel hdin
most hdins hit 3k life +
and have 75pr
your posion/open wounds wont do anything to them
since they will block most of your arrows anyway/ even when they get hit ull need 100+ arrows to kill them rofl

ill give you 6/10 on this guide
strategies are wrong


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Post#6 Posted: 02 Feb 2009 07:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Terrible guide!

Relying on the defwhoring around with widowmaker.. You might asswell want to team up with KOREABABA..
And doing a big L vs hammerdin will ensure you to die before you'll finish it derisive
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Post#7 Posted: 07 Mar 2009 03:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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